Monday, October 25, 2010

My Next Endeavor

Last weekend, a musician friend of mine told me about RTOOT. Little does RTOOT know, it has a date with destiny in the form of ME.

RTOOT stands for the "Really Terrible Orchestra Of the Triangle." Let's say, hypothetically, that once upon a time you totally kicked ass at the French Horn. You played for years and loved it but certainly never harbored any illusions of a symphonic career (and needless to say never harbored any illusions that the French Horn was cool). You didn't think about the French Horn for years because you were busy playing in rock bands... until the day you saw a dented-up POS horn on Craigslist for $50. You bought it, and you know what? You could still play a scale. Then you put it BACK in the attic for a few more years until you heard about RTOOT.

Seriously, RTOOT, buckle up. I am going to rock your terrible world!!


alysha said...

I love this idea. In Oakland, we have a "soft rock choir" that does choral versions of Air Supply, Journey, and so on... If only I could sing, I would so love to be a part of this. I mean, shit, we took 12 beginner accordionists and managed to do decent Tom Waits covers. I miss Discordion.

Mara said...

I certainly thought of you and Discordion when I heard about RTOOT - not to mention I told my Women's Rock Retreat band about you playing "Blitzkrieg Bop" on your accordion. So awesome!

Update on RTOOT - the conductor emailed me back and the next round of audition will be in December or January. They currently have 3 French Horn players and but it would be "nice to have another!" Woohoo!

alysha said...

Did you audition? If so, how did it go?

Mara said...

Blarg - waaaaay too much going on right now. With all the house stuff, Janzig and Girls Rock, I've been running ragged. I couldn't bear the thought of adding weekly practices approx 1 hr away. Hopefully some day!!